Loop5 Arcade Games Detailed Page.

Loop5 Arcade Games

A group of individual, unique loopies were to entertain customers and their young children in a shopping center called Loop5. The mall was being redesigned, and we were given renderings and location information, as well as the task of creating a game that would take customers on a fun little journey.

Each loopie inhabits a small world and invites people to play a game. Some stations use a special controller that can be moved around like a periscope, and the game is played by intuitive gaze controls. Other stations are equipped with simple webcams that project the loopies into the real world and invite visitors to mimic their dance moves, with the result easily uploaded and shared.

  • Released on: Arcade game installed in Loop5 mall
  • Genre: AR, Arcade, Dance
  • Player count: Single/ Multi Player
  • Age rating: 6
  • Platform: PC, Microsoft Windows
  • Input: AR, Touch
  • Status: Released Versin 1.4
  • Engine: Unity Engine
  • Team size: 7
  • Position: Unity Developer
  • Date: 2021/09/22
  • Updated:

My Contribution

► Unity Developer

2021/03 - 2023/02

  • Game mechanics
  • Application loops
  • Ensure longetivy of application
  • Fake AR input
  • Art pipelines

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Forum Loop5 Arcade Games

(I welcome relevant, respectful comments.)